Why Iʻm finally trying to put more effort into my appearance

Itʻs time. Whatʻs it time for you may ask? Itʻs time for me to look better. At first this may seem shallow or superficial, but itʻs really not. Iʻm starting to think itʻs self-care.

Iʻve grown up a tom boy my whole life. I had two older brothers who I looked up to and wanted to be like. Being girly wasnʻt cool to them, so it wasnʻt to me. This way of life stayed with me for years. I wore athletic shorts to school almost every day until high school (only because our pants had to be at least knee length 🙄).

My mentality was that I like to be comfortable. Why should I waste my time trying to put effort into how I look? It doesnʻt matter.

As I got older though, things started to change. In high school and college, I felt like I had nothing to wear to nicer events. Nothing I felt good in anymore. Iʻd put something on —> not like it —> wish I had something better in my closet —> then just deal with it and walk out the door.

I had a similar problem with skincare/makeup. If I wanted to just put a little something on, I never knew where to start. Youtube was my only source and it would seriously stress me out.

Iʻm tired of it though. Iʻm tired of not feeling cute. Iʻm tired of feeling embarrassed.

Itʻs okay to want to look good. That doesnʻt mean Iʻm shallow. It just means Iʻm growing up and figuring out how I can best take care of myself.

So Iʻm making an effort.

This new “Carly trying to look good” mindset came along at the beginning of this year and it wasnʻt until just recently where I took some more drastic measures. By drastic measures, I just mean that I finally went shopping for clothes and makeup, specifically for nice casual wear.

I gotta say, when you find something that you really like and feel cute in. It changes everything. I feel so much better going out. I feel more confident and less worried about what others might think (not that it matters, but itʻs nice to not think about).

I know as a twenty-seven year old I am extremely late to the game. But if thereʻs anyone else out there wanting to make more of an effort - I am in full support.

P.S. If anyone has any resources, please let me know! I can use all the help I can get :)


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